Here at Swim Science we believe in inclusivity and sport for all. We do acknowledge that there are unique challenges that some Para-Swimmers face as they strive to develop their potential and meet training demands that may require considerable differentiation from what an able bodied swimming squad is doing.
At Swim Science we use the knowledge and experience we gained as Para-athletes ourselves and National Level Coaches, to support Para-athletes at all levels of competitive swimming. We use our combined expertise to build support that understands and adapts, strokes, training loads, rest and recovery etc.. to the specific needs of any given swimmer. For some these changes are very slight, for some they are completely counterintuitive to the standard model. Through our skill base and through communication and empathy we are able to identify the best way to support such athletes, and help them reach their optimal performance.
All of the services which we provide are suitable for Para-Swimmers, and indeed properly understanding the functional capacity of a Para swimmer through the application of swimming science and sports physiology can provide a framewprk for development that exceeds many other traditional methods.